agosto 2017 – BIMGENIA

Amazon DSP es una plataforma para comprar anuncios de Display y video a través de internet. Tiene 2 únicas características:

  1. Proceso automático de compra de anuncios en miles de sitios web diferentes
  2. Opciones de segmentación avanzadas (targeting) alimentado por los datos de compra de Amazon

Dicho de otro modo, en vez de comprar una ubicación de anuncio individual en una URL concreta, a través de Amazon DSP puedes comprar una variedad de anuncios gráficos (ya sea imagen o video) en múltiples URL, y teniendo en cuenta la configuración de segmentación de clientes potenciales configurada por el usuario o anunciante.

Es algo que todos hemos experimentado cuando navegamos por internet. Por ejemplo, has entradoen una página de producto de Amazon y, posteriormente, navegando por cualquiera de tus páginas web favoritas aparece un anuncio que, precisamente, te invita a comprar el producto que previamente miraste en Amazon. ¿Por qué ocurre esto?. Porque seguramente el propietario de la marca compró este anuncio a través de Amazon DSP.

Las campañas de Amazon DSP no se limitan a campañas de redireccionamiento (retargeting) ni tampoco a productos que se venden exclusivamente en Amazon. Estos anuncios (imagen o video) también están disponibles no comercializados en Amazon y, asimismo, pueden anunciar servicios o experiencias. No es necesario que vendas en Amazon para beneficiarte de los datos de segmentación de Amazon.

El ecosistema de Amazon DSP

It gives them a look into your motivations and how you treat your clients—info that will be important to their decision. And, of course, it lets them see your latest and greatest work! When you are just getting started (as in, during you first 5 – 10 years as a shooter) you are probably going to be improving your work at a very rapid rate. Portfolio sites have a tendency to get stagnant, and many photographers neglect to update them regularly. .

When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence.Ansel Adams

A blog ensures that prospective clients are seeing your newest (and likely best) images. That ensures that they are familiar with your current shooting style, which also has a tendency to evolve! Blogs are also better for SEO than portfolio sites, since they have frequent updates and lots of tasty content.

Another benefit is that blogs are a really great way for your clients to share the images you took of them! People love seeing their own photos on their photographer’s blog, and will share the link with all their family and friends. Um….hello awesome word-of-mouth marketing!! Your clients might even ask you if they’ll make the blog, they’re so excited to be featured. Take the time to make great posts for your clients, share why you enjoyed working with them, and they’ll love the experience, and spread the word about you. Win-win!! At the core, a blog is going to let you start establishing your personal brand. You can get your unique voice across thanks to the narrative style of a blog.

You’ve heard that you should be blogging if you’re a photographer. You’ve seen more and more shooters with blogs. Heck, you’ve probably even started one yourself!

Do you know why that blog is so critical, and the most important things you need to do to make sure it’s worth the time? Well, let’s figure it out! So, you might already have a blog, or you might be considering one. Before we dive in, a quick shout out to our awesome reader Erin, who suggested this topic. Either way, let’s start off by talking about the reasons why blogging is so important for photographers.

Photography is a service, and a personal one at that. Your clients are letting you into their lives, and trusting you with some pretty big moments. The more you can give them reason to feel comfortable with hiring you, the better. A blog is a perfect tool for doing just that. It gives you the opportunity to show who you are, why you are a photographer, and what value you can provide to a prospective client.

It gives them a look into your motivations and how you treat your clients—info that will be important to their decision. And, of course, it lets them see your latest and greatest work! When you are just getting started (as in, during you first 5 – 10 years as a shooter) you are probably going to be improving your work at a very rapid rate. Portfolio sites have a tendency to get stagnant, and many photographers neglect to update them regularly. .

When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence.Ansel Adams

A blog ensures that prospective clients are seeing your newest (and likely best) images. That ensures that they are familiar with your current shooting style, which also has a tendency to evolve! Blogs are also better for SEO than portfolio sites, since they have frequent updates and lots of tasty content.

Another benefit is that blogs are a really great way for your clients to share the images you took of them! People love seeing their own photos on their photographer’s blog, and will share the link with all their family and friends. Um….hello awesome word-of-mouth marketing!! Your clients might even ask you if they’ll make the blog, they’re so excited to be featured. Take the time to make great posts for your clients, share why you enjoyed working with them, and they’ll love the experience, and spread the word about you. Win-win!! At the core, a blog is going to let you start establishing your personal brand. You can get your unique voice across thanks to the narrative style of a blog.